1. General information


Make Influence Denmark ApS (โ€Make Influenceโ€)
No. 44924064
Espedalen 71, 8240 Risskov
[contact link]

These terms and conditions (hereinafter the "Terms") apply to the services that Make Influence offers to Influencers (the "Influencer"), including the creation of an Influencer Account on Makeinfluence.com and by advertising a Company (the โ€œCompanyโ€).

Make Influence reserves the right to change the Terms on an ongoing basis unilaterally. The influencer is therefore asked to stay updated on Make Influence's website.

2. Registration and process

The influencer is obliged to provide correct contact information when registering or updating.

Links to media must be correct. For blogs, groups, or pages on other people's media, specify a specific URL.

If there is a need to be registered with several media, they can add these after registration. However, media in the category 'Eroticism and sex' must have their own registration.

The IP address and the personal data stored and saved must be provided.

3. Entering into agreements and signing up for Promotions

The conclusion of the agreement (approval of applications) occurs between the Influencer and the Company with Make Influence as an intermediary.

The influencer's application is approved based on the terms (conditions, rates, etc.) in force at the time of application. The company is not obliged to support the Influencer's application.

The company is obliged to inform the Influencer about changes in, e.g., rates, but neither the Company nor Make Influence is obligated to pay compensation for changes.

It is permitted to communicate directly with the Company via the Make Influence system if the communication is relevant to the Influencer's collaboration.


4. Display of advertisements

Advertisements (banner, text links, and the like) may only be displayed on own websites/media, i.e., websites, media, blogs, or groups which are owned by the Influencer, the Influencer's company, or the Influencer's employer, or where the Influencer is the webmaster. The websites/media used by the Influencer must appear on its profile.


Make Influence refers to Make Influence's personal data policy concerning personal data processing.

Media must be in Danish (however, websites are allowed in Norwegian, Swedish, and English if the target group is relevant to the Company). Media or contact in other languages โ€‹โ€‹must be made by agreement with Make Influence.

Advertisements may be placed in e-mail newsletters unless the Company refuses to do so in its campaign.

The following is not permitted in connection with advertisements:

- Advertisements may not be placed in/resold via the Influencer's network or competing networks.

For text links, a guide on how to use these can be attached. The instructions must be followed unless the Company grants a written dispensation.

Product images made available may be used in connection with the marketing of the Company's campaign. If the Influencer wishes to use other of the Company's images, this must be done by agreement with the Company.

On Facebook (pages, groups, ads, etc.), the Influencer may only use campaigns that allow Facebook Ads and the like (can be seen during the campaign itself).

Via Google Adwords or other purchased advertising on search engines, the Influencer may only use campaigns that allow Google Adwords and the like (can be seen during the campaign itself) when the purpose is to market the Company.

5. Rejection of Influencer


If the Influencer is rejected as a participant in a campaign, the Influencer must remove promotional material for the affected campaign as soon as possible.

6. Violation

Make Influence continuously monitors compliance with the Terms and campaign-specific guidelines. If Make Influence finds that this does not happen, Make Influence will, in principle, sanction with a warning. If a situation is not rectified before a specified deadline (as stipulated in the warning), Make Influence has the option to delete the Influencer's account without paying the earned balance.

In the event of a gross breach of the Terms and campaign-specific guidelines, Make Influence may delete the Influencer's account without notice and payment of the earned balance.

In case of doubt as to whether the Influencer complies with the Terms and/or campaign-specific guidelines, Make Influence can be contacted. This is most easily done via the menu item "Send message."

If the Influencer uses product images, the Influencer must ensure that the URLs of the images are still read from the Company's URL/image link. As far as possible, images should be used directly from the Companies' websites, rather than stored locally.

If the Influencer makes its own material for the Campaign, the Influencer must be aware of the Consumer Ombudsman's guidelines, e.g., price comparison and words like free, cheaper / cheapest.

Content that functions as marketing for the Company must, per the Marketing Act and the Consumer Ombudsman's guidelines, be marked as advertising, e.g., with the text 'Advertising,' 'Advertisement,' 'advertising link,' or 'ad link,' however, see point 7. The influencer must state this clearly to appear evident to their followers and others.

If the Influencer makes an advertisement for children and young people under the age of 18, the Influencer must pay special attention to the requirements for clarity being tightened. The same applies if an advertisement is aimed at both children and adults. Content that acts as marketing for the Company must be marked as an advertisement, e.g., with the text "ADVERTISEMENT."

It must also be clear for whom the Influencer is advertising.

The Influencer is obligated to comply with applicable marketing and advertising marking rules and agrees to hold Make Influence and the Company indemnified for any liability that Make Influence and the Company may be faced with due to the Influencer's non-compliance.

Advertising may not be used on websites that are illegal or contain offensive content.

If the Company makes material available that proves to be in breach of the law, the Influencer is asked to contact Make Influence immediately.

Influencer marketing

7. Earning and payment

Amounts earned are added to the Influencer's balance.

All amounts are shown exclusive of VAT.

For settlements to companies, VAT is added.

Order amounts (the basis) of which are earned for sale are typically incl. VAT, but excl. freight/fees.

Make Influence pays via bank transfer to all bank accounts where the IBAN and any SWIFT code are specified.

Bank information must be filled in via the menu item Profile ๏ƒ  Payment for payment to be made (and a CVR number must be entered if the Influencer is a registered company).

If a minimum of DKK 200 excluding VAT has been earned via leads and sales older than 14 days, the Influencer will receive a payment. Payments are always made on the last weekday of the month.

Amounts younger than 30 days are transferred per automatic for the next payout run.

The influencer receives the payment 1-2 days after the payment run. On your bank statement, the text will be "Make Influence, ed.".

If the Influencer signs out (deletes his registration), balances below DKK 200 will not be paid. If the Influencer has a balance of more than DKK 200 upon resignation, the Influencer must contact Make Influence to have it paid out.

When paying out to foreign bank accounts, the payout limit is DKK 200. Payment is always made in DKK, and payment is made via Stripe.

8. Cheating and manipulation

Cheating and manipulating to earn amounts that should not be duly earned according to these Terms (at Make Influence's discretion) may result in a warning or immediate deletion of the Influencer's account (at Make Influences' rating).

Any technical or human attempt by the Influencer themselves entourage to earn amounts that should not rightfully be earned in accordance with the Terms, Campaigns, and Nature of the Make Influence platform/business model is considered cheating.

Cheating includes (but is not limited to):

- automatic clicks via scripts, an external program, or a robot
forced clicks for the user to achieve something
- hidden advertisements
- click called via frames and iframes
false registrations and orders

Manipulation is an attempt to get others to take any action that generates earned amounts without the Company having a real effect, and where the purpose alone is to try to make money, e.g., systematic clicks 'to keep the page alive.'

Manipulation includes (but is not limited to):

- encouragement/recommendation to click on the advertisements on the page (orally or in writing)
- donate pages and the like
- competitions and games that require clicks on advertisements
- clicks and sign-up rewards
- spamming
- advertisements used as menu items
- camouflaged links
- click via external click exchange, banner exchange, or display systems

In the event of fraud or tampering, where the Influencer's profile is subsequently deleted, the balance will not be paid regardless of the amount.

If the Influencer is in doubt about a breach of this section, please contact Make Influence. This can be done via the menu item 'Send message.'


9. Error situations/cancellations

Under Danish law, consumers have the right to cancel orders. This can lead to situations where orders are incorrectly registered, should not have been registered, or result from a test or the like. Likewise, orders may be delivered by another affiliate network, i.e., where the second network is the last to deliver the click from the user. The company is entitled to cancel the above type of orders if Make Influence deems reasons for this. Make Influence can inform the Influencer of the reasons for cancellations.10. Earnings rule

For registrations, leads, and sales, the Influencer that the user visits last (and clicks on the advertisement) earns the amount.

The influencer can earn earnings for sales and registrations via the Company's/Webshop's website for 30 days from when a user clicks on the advertisement (standard cookie time). Make Influence tracks via cookies/clicks to ensure this.

Some Promotions may have a different cookie time (lower or higher). In that case, this will be stated in the campaign's own conditions.

11. Data Processing and Policy for the collection, storage, and processing of personal data at Make Influence

Make Influence's website https://makeinfluence.com collects, stores, and processes a variety of personal information. Read more about this on the following link [link].

Make Influence also uses cookies. Read more about this at the following link [link].


12. Reservations and disclaimer

Make Influence is not liable for failure or delay in service performance due to force majeure or other circumstances beyond the control of Make Influence. Such causes include, but are not limited to, power outages, failure of Internet connection due to the ISP, strikes, riots, state intervention, or government intervention.

Make Influence makes reservations for any price, proofreading errors, technical errors, labor disputes, or anything else.


13. Law and venue

Any dispute between the parties or with Make Influence, which cannot be resolved in general, is settled by applying Danish law and otherwise by the ordinary courts.